good morning greeting to each other. Hills, forests, and glittering lakes are abundant in the northwoods and I drank it all in. Shortly before Saint Germain I turned onto the paved bike path to avoid traffic on Highway 70. The trail twists around and on a straight stretch I saw an Osprey in it’s nest. I have been seeing them often this year. The trail started to have roller-coaster-style hills and that perked me up! I stopped for a photo on a bridge and realized it had really warmed up outside! One of the nice things about biking is that it has a built-in fan. Unless you stop! So in no time I was pedaling again. The trail took me almost all the way to Highway O. I saw a pretty serious looking female cyclist. I felt a bit of inspiration to ride into
the wind, and a little frustration with myself because she looked amazing in a sleeveless skin suit and I am nearly 20# heavier than I want to be, despite my efforts. Aaaanyway, Highway D is an old friend to me. I ride it often. I stopped for some photos by Rainbow Lake and by that time my mood had improved. I noticed the “Rainbow Lake” sign and smiled. With the clip-on aero bars my bike is darn near a unicorn. I was riding my unicorn past Rainbow Lake. How could I be in a foul mood?? I was feeling pretty good by then. When I turned onto E I had a
tailwind. I love tailwinds. E is very scenic. Aside from the jarring of the road bike going over cracks and how my head would rattle in my skull every time, I had pedaled out of my funk. I saw more cyclist out today than I ever have outside of an event, too! I mean cyclists with road bikes, wearing bike shorts and helmets. That is encouraging! I returned to Raven with 37 miles on the odometer and devoured a salad in the parking lot. Off with the bike gear, a quick cleanup, on with the scrubs and it was time to see clients, in a peaceful state of mind.
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